
AlliumchinenseisanediblespeciesofAllium,nativetoChina,andcultivatedinmanyothercountries.Itscloserelativesincludetheonion,scallion, ...,ChineseonionorAlliumchinense,acultivatedplantintheNetherlands,isafloweringplantfromtheAllioideae(formerlyAlliaceae)familyandusedasan ...,AlliumchinenseG.Don;CommonName:ChineseOnion,ChineseScallion,JapaneseScallion,OrientalOnion,Rakkyo,藠头,辣韮;ModeofNutrition,...

Allium chinense

Allium chinense is an edible species of Allium, native to China, and cultivated in many other countries. Its close relatives include the onion, scallion, ...

Allium chinense Chinese onion

Chinese onion or Allium chinense, a cultivated plant in the Netherlands, is a flowering plant from the Allioideae (formerly Alliaceae) family and used as an ...

Allium chinense G.Don

Allium chinense G.Don ; Common Name: Chinese Onion, Chinese Scallion, Japanese Scallion, Oriental Onion, Rakkyo, 藠头, 辣韮 ; Mode of Nutrition, Autotrophic.

Allium chinense 蕗蕎(薤、火蔥- 野蒜、野韭

Allium chinense 蕗蕎(薤、火蔥、大韭、蕎蔥、蕎頭、小蒜、薤白頭、野蒜、野韭).. 貨號: P3110 分類: 單子葉植物, Amaryllidaceae 石蒜科 · 查看解說牌價格表

Chinese onion (Allium chinense), an evergreen vegetable

由 MH Shahrajabian 著作 · 2020 · 被引用 16 次 — Allium chinense is used as a folk medicine in tonics to help intestines and as a stomachic. The strong, pungent odor of. Chinese onion is thought to act as a ...


學名:Allium chinense G. Don (Syn. Allium bakeri Regel) 別名:蕎頭、蕗蕎、薤頭、火蔥、蕎蔥 原產地:中國 用途: 1.食用:可炒食,或取其鱗莖醃製,作為醬菜食用 ...

薤(「薤」,拼音:xiè,注音:ㄒㄧㄝˋ,學名:Allium chinense),古老的名字叫做「藠頭」,在台灣稱為「蕗蕎」,香港叫「清明菜」,為五辛之一。

薤Allium chinense G.Don

薤Allium chinense G.Don ; 編號. TBN UUID: 7c77bd9f-a40a-4484-8362-917c2ee898a9 ; 種小名. chinense ; 別名 ; 物種屬性. 外來栽培Cultivated (non-native) ; 保育狀態.

藠头Allium chinense

鳞茎数枚聚生,狭卵状,粗(0.5-) 1-1.5(-2) 厘米;鳞茎外皮白色或带红色,膜质,不破裂。叶2-5枚,具3-5棱的圆柱状,中空,近与花葶等长,粗1-3毫米。 ... 花果期10-11月。